
May 3, 2012 at 8:17 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

It’s been almost a week since my freedom was stripped from me. The simplist of tasks, now so frustratingly slow and difficult.

I tore my calf muscle on the weekend, doing a triple summersault whilst shooting a goal in a netball game with the other ‘Diva’s’, when I was hit in the back of the leg with a handball, or that’s what I thought. Well the part about the handball was true, and whilst playing netball that was true too … but there was no great story to go with it.

Now, almost a week later I am still unable to put any weight on my leg, making crutches a part of my every move. This makes using the facilities a challenge, preparing any meals, carrying a drink, doing laundry, groceries or any of the usual things that I would do with ease – all but impossible.

So what am I learning through this? I am learning that I find it very difficult to allow other people to do things for me, let alone asking for help. I am learning that my family can step up when they need to and that maybe I need to allow them too more often because they are not only capable, but do a damned good job. When they don’t do a job as I would do it, it doesn’t disqualify them either.

I am not typically one to say ‘no’. However I’m finding that I am having to do that a bit this week. I’m in a new job, and it goes against my grain to say no when given a directive, however there are just some things I cannot do. A lesson is pushing back.

I’m also learning that I have a rebellious streak. If I’m told I can’t do something, it makes me want to do it all the more. Now where does that come from? Sit still. I don’t want to. Rest. But there’s so much to do. Do your assignment. But there’s bejewelled to play and I have the attention span of a blow fly as my brain has gone to mush.

But my rebellious streak combined with what my daughter tells me is OCD like behaviour, may get the washing done and the washing up done. It doesn’t, however, speed up my recovery so I can do these things with ease quicker.

So I resign from my need to be in control and to be independent.

I will sit still and try to do so quietly and unrebelliously. I will do my best to be gracious and not be afraid to ask for help.

1 Comment

  1. kez5 said,

    None of us are ever in control – but there certainly are times when we feel this more acutely – just as you are right now! Needing others can be a strength, not a weakness – but what a painful lesson to learn… Being independent is so much more comfortable, hey! I’d love to do some grocieries, bring you a meal… let me know!! xxx

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